Mercury Amateur Radio Association
South Bay, California Chapter

Mercury Amateur Radio Association

South Bay, Chapter Charter (November 2007)

  1. General Statement of Organization
    1. Name: The name of the organization shall be "The Mercury Amateur Radio Association, South Bay Chapter (MARA South Bay)" (hereinafter referred to as "this Chapter").
          This Chapter is independent of the Mercury Amateur Radio Association, Inc., which is a Utah Corporation known as MARA Inc. MARA Inc., while retaining its rights to the MARA name, has granted permission to use the name "MARA" to local chapters, such as this Chapter, so long as it is used in conjunction with a geographic name. This Chapter is acting in accord with that permission.
    2. Mission Statement: The mission of this Chapter is to provide training, support and encouragement to radio amateurs who wish to serve as emergency communications specialists. Specifically, this Chapter exists to provide technical training and standards, and act as a source of information, to those radio amateurs
      1. who wish to provide a working emergency communications program for a non-profit organization (i.e. helping in planing, testing of plans, etc.), or
      2. who wishes to participate in emergency communications.
  2. Purpose of Organization

    This Chapter shall exist:

    1. To provide support and training to radio amateurs who wish to serve in emergency communications positions. This may be accomplished by
      1. conducting on-the-air training and social nets;
      2. holding meetings from time-to time;
      3. publishing a newsletter.
    2. To provide an opportunity for radio amateurs to share ideas and experiences relating to emergency communications, particularly as it relates to the interface between emergency and health and welfare service providers and local ARES and RACES networks.
  3. Structure
    1. Board of Directors: This Chapter will be led by a Board Of Directors consisting of five officers elected at the Chapter's annual election meeting, together with such other officers as may hereafter be added.
      1. Each director will serve for a period of one year commencing on the first of the month following his/her election, and continuing for one year or until his/her successor is elected, whichever is later.
      2. In the event of the death, resignation, or incapacity of a Board member, the remaining Board members may appoint a replacement who will serve until the next annual election meeting, at which time that Board position will be placed on the ballot.
      3. An officer may be removed from office, and/or from Board membership, by a two thirds majority vote of a quorum attending a regularly scheduled general Chapter meeting.
    2. Qualifications of Board Members: Board members must hold at least Technician Class Amateur Radio Licenses, and be active members in good standing of the organization. It is expected that Board members will make every reasonable effort to attend Board Meetings and regular Chapter Meetings as scheduled by the Board.
    3. Officers: The officers of the Chapter shall include a President, a Vice President/Activities Chairman, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and a Repeater Trustee. These officers constitute the Board of Directors of the Chapter. Other leadership positions may be created by the Board of Directors. Individuals serving in such positions may also serve as members of the Board of Directors when invited to do so by a two-thirds majority vote of a quorum attending a regularly scheduled meeting. Such appointed positions may also be deleted from membership on the Board by a two-thirds majority vote of a quorum attending a regularly scheduled meeting. In the same manner, an appointed position may also be voted into an elected position. All elected officers are automatically members of the Board of Directors.
      1. The President's duties shall include the following:
        1. Serve as Chairman of the Board of Directors and conduct all General Board Meetings.
        2. Conduct all general meetings of the Chapter.
        3. Represent the chapter at all interorganizational meetings in which the chapter is involved (such as NARC).
        4. Sign all papers, complete the ARRL Annual Report (when affiliated with the ARRL), and take care of the other duties normally associated with President. The President may delegate his duties to others as needed, but remains responsible for them, except when an appointed or elected officers duties are specifically defined, in which case responsibility for those duties rests with the officers. The President has overall responsibility for Chapter operation,including the functioning of its officers.
      2. The Vice President/Activities Chairman's duties shall include the following:
        1. Conduct all general Board and general Chapter meetings in the absence of the President, or when so delegated by him.
        2. Oversee the planning, preparation, and implementation of the program sessions of Chapter meetings. For this purpose he may appoint ad hoc or standing committees to carry out these tasks.
        3. Assist the President in all of his duties when called upon to do so. The Vice President may delegate his duties to others as needed, but remains responsible for them, except when an appointed or elected officers duties are specifically defined, in which case responsibility for those duties rests with the officers.
      3. The Secretary's duties shall include the following:
        1. Take minutes of Board Meetings and general Chapter meetings.
        2. Publish notices, documents, newsletters, etc., as required by the Board.
        3. Perform all other duties as directed by the Board.
        4. Maintain the Membership roster of the Chapter.
      4. The Treasurer's duties shall include the following:
        1. Receive moneys from members and other sources, account for them, pay club debts, make other disbursements as authorized by the Board of Directors, and maintain the Chapter checking account.
        2. Prepare a quarterly financial report for the Board of Directors.
        3. Perform other duties and tasks as assigned by the President.
      5. The Repeater Trustee's duties shall include the following:
        1. Maintain the repeater in operational condition and within the specifications defined by the FCC and by the repeater sanction agreements with NARC.
        2. Maintain the repeater passwords, codes, autodial slots, and other programmable and user accessible features of the repeater.
        3. Monitor repeater operation to verify compliance with FCC rules and NARC procedures.
        4. Perform other duties and tasks as assigned by the President.
      6. The President, with the approval of the Board, will appoint:
        1. A Net Manager (who will appoint Net Control Operators), who will oversee net operation, appoint weekly net control operators, insure nets operate as scheduled, and provide training in net operation to Chapter membership.
        2. Any other officers as needed.
      7. The duties of appointed officers will be assigned by the President or by a simple majority of the Board of Directors.
    4. Meetings of the Board of Directors: The Board will meet at least annually. Other Board meetings may be held as requested by the President or by a simple majority of the Board of Directors. These other Board meetings may be on-the-air meetings, or may be conducted by any other means, including mail, E-mail, telephone, radio, etc.
    5. Chapter Meetings: The Chapter shall meet at least quarterly, and shall meet annually for election of officers. Any other meetings of the Chapter will be scheduled by the Board of Directors.
    6. Elections: Election of Board members shall be held annually at a general meeting of the Chapter during the last quarter of the calendar year, except as provided in III.1.b.
    7. Quorum: The number constituting a quorum shall be 80% of the average number of members in attendance at the previous nine regular meetings. The Bylaws of the Chapter can only be changed by a two-thirds vote of those returning ballots, after the proposed changes have been mailed to the membership. All other business may be transacted by a simple majority of a quorum unless otherwise specified in this Charter or its by-laws.
    8. Membership: Membership in the Chapter will be open to all persons who have an interest in amateur radio, and who will conduct themselves in a manner to enhance the purpose and existence of the organization,and will follow and uphold the Charter and Bylaws of the Chapter.
    9. Dues: The Board will establish dues for membership, and additional fees as necessary. Dues are to cover the cost of the newsletter, repeater operation, and general operating expenses (postage, printing, etc.).
    10. RULES: This Chapter's meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order, when they are not inconsistent with this Charter or its Bylaws and any special rules of order the Chapter may adopt.